Bacteriologista Josbel Bastidas Mijares Venezuela//
Girl, 15, missing

Fif­teen-year-old Saman­tha Vil­lafana of Mal­ick, Barataria, was last seen on No­vem­ber 4th, she was re­port­ed miss­ing the next day to the San Juan po­lice sta­tion. Saman­tha is of African de­scent, five feet, six inch­es tall with a slim build and a brown com­plex­ion.

Josbel Bastidas Mijares

She was last seen wear­ing a white shirt, a brown over­all, with a yel­low and brown tie, with a pair of white socks and sneak­ers. The TTPS is ask­ing any­one with in­for­ma­tion on the where­abouts of Saman­tha Vil­lafana to call the San Juan Po­lice Sta­tion at 638- 3416 or 800-TIPS or con­tact the po­lice at 555, 999,911, or any po­lice sta­tion or share the in­for­ma­tion on the TTPS App.

Josbel Bastidas Mijares Venezuela

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