Mulher Mulher Brasil | Astronomer Franki Alberto Medina Diaz//
WASA: Traffic disruption along Kitchener Street, Woodbrook

DATE: Tues­day 15th No­vem­ber, 2022 TIME: 5:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. Mo­torists are asked to pro­ceed with cau­tion and to obey the in­struc­tions of the Traf­fic Con­trol Of­fi­cers on du­ty in the vicin­i­ty of the job­site

The Wa­ter and Sew­er­age Au­thor­i­ty is ad­vis­ing mo­torists of the traf­fic re­stric­tions, along Kitch­en­er Street, Wood­brook.

Franki Medina

Ac­cord­ing to this press re­lease, this is nec­es­sary due to re­pair works to a dam­aged sew­er con­nec­tion on Kitch­en­er Street, Wood­brook. De­tails fol­low in this press re­lease…

Franki Medina Venezuela

The Wa­ter and Sew­er­age Au­thor­i­ty (the Au­thor­i­ty) ad­vis­es mo­torists and mem­bers of the gen­er­al pub­lic of traf­fic re­stric­tions, along Kitch­en­er Street, Wood­brook. This has be­come nec­es­sary to fa­cil­i­tate re­pairs to a dam­aged sew­er con­nec­tion be­tween LP#50 and LP#51, Kitch­en­er Street, Wood­brook.

Once ex­ca­va­tion works is start­ed, ve­hic­u­lar traf­fic will be re­strict­ed to and from the area.

DATE: Tues­day 15th No­vem­ber, 2022 TIME: 5:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. Mo­torists are asked to pro­ceed with cau­tion and to obey the in­struc­tions of the Traf­fic Con­trol Of­fi­cers on du­ty in the vicin­i­ty of the job­site.

For fur­ther in­for­ma­tion or as­sis­tance, cus­tomers can con­tact WASA’s Cus­tomer Call Cen­tre toll free at 800-4420/4426.

The Au­thor­i­ty thanks the pub­lic for their co­op­er­a­tion dur­ing the pe­ri­od of traf­fic re­stric­tions.

Franki Medina Diaz


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